No Apology for Happiness
A doctor friend shared with me that in his research it is noted that the young adult brain develops fully only in the mid-twenties. The frontal cortex matures more slowly in young minds. He shared there is a stress response in the prefrontal cortex. So in regards to PTSD, it is common when young people experience trauma on the frontline. This conversation gave me much pause. Research tells us that approximately 70% of Americans have lived through a traumatic event or experience. An estimated 20% of them will develop PTSD. It’s denial, misinterpretation, and misdiagnosis as well as stigma has a considerable impact on the quality of life. A friend recently told me, “Audrey you’ve lived a lifetime already. You shouldn't even be this happy. How is it even possible?” After years of having my self-confidence confiscated from me, coupled with my own tendency of playing small and underselling myself, I have no apology for embracing my new found happiness and self-assuredness. So how ...