#1 Say What My Soul Needs to Say
Today marks the 5th year I walk this earth without my brother, my sidekick. You don’t need to know the details of the series of unfortunate events in my life to grasp the big takeaway, my life’s lesson. We are not to dwell on horrific events, focus instead on he lived - how Chris lived every day.
His acts of kindness were not random-acts-of-kindness. Chris set an intention every day to help someone suffer less. Over the last few years, several have shared detailed stories about exactly how Chris had helped them. As much as a confidante in Chris’ life that I was, not once did he share any of his greatest humanitarian efforts with me. He kept that very private.
When we choose to expose ourselves to the full impact of poverty and pain, we feel the pangs of compassion, but also the intense emotions of those in need. That is empathy. And this empathy becomes the catalyst that compels us to put aside our care and focus on charitable, loving endeavors that will eventually, hopefully, change the lot of those who need your help.
So as you go about your days ahead, set an intention for direct opportunities of kindness. Look for them. They will fall right into your path.
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