Masculine Energy

Today is Father’s Day, Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads and stepdads. It is the day my daughter shows leadership and addresses her class as their president at graduation, and it is the day I would have baked a German Chocolate cake for what would have been my brother’s 49th birthday.  It is a day full of high energy.

On Father’s Day, we tend to reflect upon the masculine spirit. We have an inclination to typecast the male verve as an authority figure, a commander, a manager - one who is respected and obeyed. As one who makes decisions, delegates tasks and shows mastery and expertise in his field. Typically, we attach weight to the masculine energy that signifies competency, assertiveness, decisiveness, leadership, and authority.

As a single mom, I often reflect upon my double role. I tend to lead by intuition and persuasion. I am incredibly nurturing and encouraging. And like many women, I express deep understanding, wisdom, compassion, and creativity. Yet, there is a masculine energy that emerges and is responsible for having the confidence to take bold action and fierce decision making. Being a single mom has obliged me to find that balance with the feminine and masculine.

So here’s the thing, this era is so intent on proving equality that we suppress our natural inclinations. In my opinion, women were not created to do everything a man can do. Women were created to do everything a man cannot do, and men were designed to handle what does not come naturally to women. When we embrace our natural strengths and look to balance our weaknesses, we create a more harmonious home, community, and world.

Exercise: Find balance. That will look different depending on your current situation. One week, we may need to employ more feminine energy, the next week, the masculine. Each circumstance we face requires a different approach.

Review your most recent life events. Have you been in a 'survival mode' that demands an overdose of masculine energy? If so, you automatically know the female side needs some attention. Do things that bring out compassion, nurturing, and intuition.

Same holds true if you have been playing the role of the caregiver. If you have spent the majority of your time being nurturing, get in touch with some decision-making, and assert yourself where necessary.

Ponder this: 
How do I express expertise, leadership, or integrity?
Am I overbearing?
Do I lead well?
How do I elevate others and bring out their dormant qualities?
Am I aware of subtleties, small uncanny details?
How do I nurture?

My Life’s Lesson: Whatever your family structure, finding balance and respect for roles that nurture, guide, and love is an ongoing process. 

From the sweetest spot in my heart to yours, have a wonderful Father’s Day honoring those who fill that role for you. I’ll see you next week.
Audrey xo


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